We all make mistakes, especially in handling major life changes like moving house. After all, you know a lot can go wrong when you move. From unpredictable weather to packing problems, you can’t control everything. But you can control who you hire to help with the move so you can ensure a seamless process from start to finish.
In the end, mistakes happen. They’re not the end of the world. Check out these five moving mistakes that may sound bad at first but are actually OK to make.
1. You Didn’t Label the Boxes
Labeling boxes is a basic part of moving that helps keep your stuff organized on moving day, reducing the time it takes to unpack. But it’s also just one more step in a long list of tasks you have to tackle. So what if you accidentally already packed the markers? No big deal, you’ll just have to put in some more time on the back end. You won’t impact the flow of the move, so take your licks and keep trudging on.
2. You Left Everything to the Last Minute
If you’re a procrastinator by nature and seriously underestimated the time it took you to get stuff done, it’s OK. You won’t exactly enjoy the mad scramble as you try to pack on a tight timeline, but you will get it all done.
3. You Didn’t Pack an Essentials Bag
A moving essentials bag is one that is filled with crucial items you will need easy access to once you step in your new front door. Ideally, you should pack a change of clothes for everyone, basic toiletries, medications, cleaning supplies, important documents, electronics and chargers, diapers, etc.
Aside from medications (you should always have these on hand for safety and health reasons), the other stuff is basically a matter of convenience.
4. You Underestimate How Many Boxes You Need
It’s hard to come up with a good estimate of how many boxes you need before you start packing. If you have shorted yourself on boxes, it’s OK. You don’t have to make a bunch of trips to the store. Use whatever is on hand, such as suitcases, garbage bags, trash bags, and dresser drawers. Or, call your movers and tell them you’ll need moving supplies and/or help with packing. Most are happy to oblige, for an extra fee.
5. You Didn’t Get Everything Done Before Moving Day
It happens. Even the most organized people aren’t quite ready for the frenzy of moving day. But you have no choice but to get it all done. The movers can’t come back in a few hours and the new owners aren’t going to give you an extra day to move out. It won’t be pretty but you’ll have to get creative, and messy. Throw stuff in boxes, throw stuff into your car, throw stuff in your purse as you’re going out the door. Yes, you’ll be stressed but at least you’ll have everything you need.
So, take all these moving mistakes in stride, and create a mental list to never make them again!
Contact Around the Clock Moving & Storage
Get a free moving quote with us online now, or contact us at 469-853-0045. We’ll help minimize your moving mistakes and get you in and out in no time.