If you have a move coming up, you understandably want to de-clutter your home to make the packing process easier. After all, why pay to move stuff you don’t need anymore? But you don’t have to trash everything you don’t need. You might as well make some cash while you’re at it. This will help fund your upcoming residential move.
Check out these eight tips for managing a profitable and successful moving sale in Frisco, Dallas or wherever else you live. Make it a fun event and involve the whole family – even the whole neighborhood!
1. Set a Day and Time
The day and time you choose can make or break your sale. Saturday mornings are best because that’s when yardsalers are out and looking to spend money. Sundays work well too but try to do both weekend mornings for the best success. Spring and summer are ideal times for holding yard sales, but sometimes you don’t have a choice if you are being forced to move at other times of the year.
Try not to host a pre-move sale on a holiday or when a big event is going on in your community, such as a parade, festival or major sporting event. Start early in the morning, say 8 a.m., and wrap it by 2 or 3 p.m. Just be prepared for early birds who could show up when you’re putting stuff out, says Moving.com.
2. Team Up With the Neighbors
A successful moving sale is one that is large and that pulls in a lot of visitors and money. If you have one small yard sale on your street with just one household, you won’t garner the attention you want. Ask your neighbors if they would like to get in on the action and hold a large neighborhood sale. You can save on advertising costs, while each family has their own set of tables and can pocket whatever cash they make.
3. Advertise Ahead of Time
To get people to come to your sale, you have to do a whole lot more than tack up a poster at the end of your street. Advertise online and on social media, as well as virtual yard sale sites and Craigslist. You may think newspaper advertising is a thing of the past, but older adults still like to scour the local newspapers for garage sales over their morning coffee. Just keep in mind, this is the most expensive form of advertising and will dip into your profits. However you choose to advertise, post photos of your most sought-after items.
4. Post Engaging Signs
Place signs and posters around the neighborhood and at the tops of adjoining streets. This will inform passersby of the sale, snagging those impulse buyers who just happen to be driving by. Make your posters clear and to the point. Use black or similar dark colors and don’t crowd your poster with too much information.
It needs to be readable from the street at a decent amount of speed. Big black letters on bright backgrounds like white or yellow are best. Go with the same color themes and designs on every one of your posters to ensure consistency. Write out the dates and starting times. Remember, Saturdays and Sundays are best, with hours from early morning to early or mid afternoon.
5. Arrange Items Methodically
Organize your items in the same manner you would find them in a store. Make sure they’re properly grouped, arranged, categorized, priced and labeled. You can’t expect to have an organized sale if you just dump out items on a table and force people to sort through it all while asking what each item costs.
You don’t want the mess and hassle this will result in, so best to keep like items together, making sure your prices are clearly legible and your items are organized and visible.
6. Price Items Correctly
Reasonable pricing will result in a successful garage sale. Go too high and no one will buy your stuff. Go too low and you won’t make much. In general, try to adhere to 30 percent of the retail price. This will involve some research on your part so every item is priced properly. Using stickers or tags, try to keep your amounts in simple increments of $1 and 50 cents, without getting too technical. Make sure you have change on hand in case someone gives you a large bill.
7. Offer Bulk Deals
Bulk deals will move more items more quickly. Let’s say you’re selling books at $1. You could offer two for $1.50, and three for $2. You want your buyers to feel like they are getting more value for their money. It’s a good idea to also offer surprise grab-bags, where you set a certain price and people buy them sight unseen.
They can open the bag later and be surprised – especially good for kids. It’s an ideal way to offload odds and ends.
8. Create a Welcoming Atmosphere
To maximize profit and minimize stress, do what you can to make people feel comfortable when spending time at your sale. Strategic placement of attractive items placed near the street will lure them in further. Come out and say hello to your visitors and welcome them to your property. Many people just lurk nearby in lawn chairs from the garage and don’t engage with visitors.
This isn’t a successful yard sale strategy. People want to hear the stories behind your items, so be prepared to be chatty.
For a small fee, offer some bottled water or lemonade to keep guests hydrated. Put some calming music on your phone or speaker and make conversation with anyone who drops by.
Contact Around the Clock Moving and Storage
If you’re ready to move and you’ve had a successful sale, it’s time to give us a call at 469-804-0720 for your free quote. We offer a wide range of moving services, from residential and commercial to piano moving and packing.