So all your kids have flown the coop and you are facing your spouse saying “now what?”. This is a predicament (or a blessing depending on how you look at it!) that many empty nesters go through once their children grow up and no longer live in the family home. Perhaps you’ve dreamed of lazy days of retirement, taking trips, taking up hobbies, living freely again. However, you need money in order to do that. Selling that big home you’ve been living in for so many years will free up a lot cash and allow you to enjoy the retirement you deserve.
Let’s explore why it’s beneficial for empty nesters to sell their house and make a move:
Downsizing your home and taking on a residential move translates to lots of savings. From heating and cooling bills to mortgage payments and household expenses, owning a home is extremely costly — especially if your home is large and most of it goes unused from day to day. You could use that cash to purchase a small condo, travel the world and do all the things you’ve always dreamed about doing but never had the time or money. Also, your medical costs are likely increasing now, too, so you’ll need more money for that. According to a report on CNBC, just 17 percent of Americans over the age of 55 feel confident that they will have enough to live on in retirement.
Increased Time:
When you aren’t tied down to the constraints of a home, you have more free time to do the things you really want. And living on your own also means you are free to take off when you want, go on vacations, and just take your time. There are no soccer games to bring kids to, large meals to prep every night, or frantic school and extra-curricular schedules to adhere to. And with no strong ties to the community any longer (this tends to dip when your children are no longer connecting you to the town), you can uproot and live where you want: retirement community, 55+ neighborhood, condo complex, etc. Choose a community that has resources for YOU rather than thinking about the quality of the school system or a neighborhood with lots of kids.
Less Maintenance:
When you don’t have a lawn to mow or have household repairs to make, you find yourself freed up to take on hobbies and spend less time on maintenance. You’re eliminating the most stressful part of homeownership when you cut out the maintenance tasks. You can de-clutter your life and live in a space that’s more suited to you or you and your spouse.
Better Use of Space:
Outfitting your new home or condo can now be done with your own future in mind. Perhaps you’re suffering from physical disabilities or you have difficulty getting up and down the stairs. Now you can create a living space that works for you: one-floor homes so stairs aren’t a concern, retrofitted bathrooms with safety bars, etc. With no large mortgage payment, now you can afford to hire maintenance crews to handle your outdoor landscaping and maintenance.
Contact Around the Clock Moving and Storage
Looking to start the downsizing process? It all starts with a reputable mover. Contact us today at 469-853-0045 to check out our rates and services for residential moving.